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Recruitment Your location: Home >> Recruitment

Personal information: 
Name: *
Gender: *
Marital status:
Date of birth: *date of birth(as:1978-04-24)
Height: *(cm)(as: 178)
Graduated school:
Educational background:
Graduation time:
Domicile: *
Education and experience: 
 Educational background  Start and end time  Professional title  Certificate  School Name

* Education and experience required, and according to the above format and fill in has occurred!
Work experience: 
 Start and end time  Job Title  Service Unit  Work content

* Work experience required, and according to the above format and fill in has occurred!
Contact information: 
Contact number: *
Cellphone number:
E-mail: *
Contact address:
Zip code:

Address: Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China Gao Xiang Road Shenbei
Tel :0086 -888-88888888
Fax :0086 -888-88888888
Email: shengyang@sy.cn
International Marketing Centre